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Ph.D. Program > Examiners > Eberhard Fuchs

Eberhard Fuchs

Professor for Neurobiology

1977 Dr. rer. nat, University of München
1996 - 2000 Professor (Animal Physiology), University of Karlsruhe
2000 - 2003 Professor (Animal Physiology), University of Goettingen
2003 - Professor for Neurobiology, Department of Neurology, Medical School, University of Goettingen
Group Leader in the Division of Neurobiology, German Primate Center

Major Research Interests:

Eberhard Fuchs

We are an interdisciplinary research laboratory using functional neuroanatomical, neuropharmacological, behavioral and molecular techniques to investigate functioning of the brain in animal models of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. The aim of our work is to elucidate brain structures, circuits, pathways and mechanisms that underlie normal and pathological behavior. This work integrates inputs from other research fields with the ultimate aim of developing new therapeutic strategies for psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.

The laboratory specializes in the development, validation and investigation of animal models to detect abnormal cognitive, motor and emotional expressions of brain pathology. Currently, we are engaged in the investigation of central nervous and behavioral phenomena associated with stress, depression and aging. In addition, there are initial studies in the areas of Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis.

German Primate Center
Clinical Neurobiology Laboratory
Kellnerweg 4

37077 Göttingen


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Selected Recent Publications:

Keuker J., Luiten P.G.M., Fuchs E.: Preservation of hippocampal neuron numbers in aged rhesus monkeys. Neurobiol. Aging, 24:157-165, 2003.

Fuchs E., Flügge G.: Chronic social stress: effects on limbic brain structures. Physiol. Behav., 79: 417-427, 2003.

van der Hart M.G.C., Czéh B., de Biurrun G., Michaelis T., Watanabe T., Natt O., Frahm J., Fuchs E.: Substance P receptor antagonist and clomipramine prevent stress-induced alterations in cerebral metabolites, cytogenesis in the dentate gyrus and hippocampal volume. Mol. Psychiat., 7: 933-941, 2002.

Fuchs E., Flügge G: Social stress in tree shrews: effects on physiology, brain function and behavior of subordinate individuals. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., 73: 247-258, 2002.

Kole M.H.P., Swan L., Fuchs E.: The antidepressant tianeptine persistently modulates glutamate receptor currents of the hippocamapl CA3 commissural-associational synapse in chronically stressed rats. Europ. J. Neurosci., 16: 807-816, 2002.

Bartolomucci A., de Biurrun G., Czéh B., van Kampen M., Fuchs E.: Selective enhancement of spatial learning under chronic psychosocial stress. Europ. J. Neurosci. 15: 1863-1866, 2002.

Coe C.L., Kramer M., Kirschbaum C., Netter P., Fuchs E.: Prenatal stress diminishes the cytokine response of leukocytes to endotoxin stimulation in juvenile rhesus monkeys. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metabol., 87: 675-68, 2002.

Czéh B., Michaelis T., Watanabe T., Frahm J., de Biurrun G., van Kampen M., Bartolomucci A., Fuchs E.: Stress-induced changes in cerebral metabolites, hippocampal volume and cell proliferation are prevented by antidepressant treatment with tianeptine. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 98:12796-12801, 2001.

Fuchs E., Gould E.: In vivo neurogenesis in the adult brain: regulation and functional implications. Europ. J. Neurosci.12:2211-2214, 2000.